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Below are our bylaws, approved May 29, 2023:
Hartland Winter Trails, Inc. Bylaws
Article 1. Name
The name of the group shall be “Hartland Winter Trails, Inc.” hereafter referred to as “HWT”.
Article 2. Mission Statement
Hartland Winter Trails, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to developing and maintaining a trail system in Hartland, Vermont for the purpose of cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. Through use of the trail system we promote our core goals, which are:
- To provide a community resource for families and individuals of all ages
- To foster community participation
- To promote respect for and appreciation of the natural environment
- To enhance the physical and mental well-being of those who use these trails
Article 3. Members and Meetings
Section 1.
Any person may consider themselves a member by being an active and interested participant in activities concerning HWT. Every landowner who provides HWT access to their land is considered a member.
Section 2.
The annual meeting of the members will be held once each year in the fall before the upcoming winter season. The purpose of this annual meeting will be to elect the directors for the coming year, to ratify any newly proposed amendments to the bylaws or amendments enacted by the board of directors in the preceding year, and to transact any other business presented by any member. Members in attendance in person or virtual will be empowered to vote to elect the directors and to amend the bylaws. Regular meetings of the board of directors will occur at least two times per year.
Section 3.
Special meetings of the board of directors may be called by the Executive Director or two other board members for any reason deemed necessary.
Section 4.
The board of directors may designate any place within the town of Hartland as a place of meeting for any annual meeting or special meeting. Virtual meetings are an accepted form of holding an official meeting.
Section 5.
Notice stating the place, day, and hour of the annual meeting shall be posted on HWT’s media outlets at least two weeks before the meeting is to occur.
Section 6.
At least five board members must be present at any regular or special meeting to be considered a quorum. A quorum of the board members is required for any binding decision.
Article 4. Organization of Management
Section 1. Directors, Members At Large and Officers
The business and affairs of HWT shall be managed by the board of directors. Board of directors is defined as the six elected Directors and any appointed Members At Large. The directors may appoint officers, committees, or volunteers for any purpose. The directors shall consist of an Executive Director, Secretary, Treasurer,Trail Director, Special Events Director, and Media Director. The directors shall appoint up to three members at large each year following the annual meeting. The term Board members is synonymous with Board of directors within these Bylaws.
Trail Groomers will be Officers appointed by the Trail Director and deemed qualified in addition to possessing a valid driver’s license.
Section 2. Election of Directors
Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting of members. The term of office of each director shall be until the next annual meeting of the members.
Section 3. Vacancies
A vacancy in any office may be filled by appointment after a vote by the board of directors for the unexpired portion of the term.
Section 4. Roles of Directors, Officers and Members at Large
- Executive Director
Oversees all directors, officers, and committees.
- Secretary
Takes notes at all HWT board and annual meetings and prepares minutes. Updates and maintains the mailing and contacts list. Develops the letter for the annual meeting and other special events. Coordinates with the Treasurer to acknowledge monetary and in-kind donations. The secretary may delegate any of their listed duties to another volunteer.
- Treasurer
Maintains financial records and tracks the balances of HWT accounts. Coordinates with the Secretary to acknowledge monetary and in-kind donations. Coordinates fundraising efforts including delegating and overseeing grant writing. Reports financial standing at the annual meeting. Submits required annual filings to the IRS.
- Media Director
Is responsible for accurate mapping of the trail system. In coordination with the Trail Director, maintains and updates changes to the map and ensures the HWT web page has an up-to-date map. Coordinates map sales at local businesses or delegates this task. Coordinates any other trail mapping projects. Maintains all HWT social media outlets. Conducts any additional media related tasks including advertising for special events. Assists with electronic programs and documents to improve director and member communications.
- Trails Director
Coordinates all trail construction and maintenance. Responsible for trail re-locations, creation and naming of new trails, and posting and maintenance of all signage. Maintains a current landowner list and is the landowner liaison. Appoints and oversees the Grooming Officers.
- Special Events Director
Develops and organizes any special events that use the HWT trail system. Coordinates with other organizations that seek to hold their events on these trails. Responsible for coordinating with schools or other groups for educational or recreational activities involving the trail system. Maintains a list of volunteers who can assist with special events and recruits additional volunteers.
- Trails Grooming Officer(s)
Works with and reports directly to the Trail Director. Compacts snow and prepares trails for skiing and snowshoeing. Helps to maintain equipment or reports maintenance needs to the Trail Director. Grooming Officers must provide documentation of their valid driver’s license. This is a non-voting officer.
- Members at Large
Are appointed by the Directors based on a majority vote of all directors There may be up to three Members at Large. A member at Large will participate in board meetings, will have voting rights and shall perform such duties as may be assigned by any Director.
Members at Large are guided by the bylaws and policies of the organization.
Article 5. Finances
Section 1.
All finances and receipts for payment or reimbursement will be managed by HWT’s Treasurer. Receipts for reimbursement of services rendered or equipment parts/supplies must be submitted to the Treasurer within sixty (60) days of when the purchase of the materials or service provided is completed. Any receipts submitted after sixty (60) days will instead be considered an in-kind donation to HWT, and a letter stating the amount of the donation will be provided to the individual for tax purposes.
Section 2.
Normal operating expenses including equipment maintenance will be approved by the Treasurer and Executive Director. Expenditures exceeding $500.00, with the exception of the total annual funds allotted for the Robin Ellison Scholarships, must be approved by a majority of all board members.
Section 3.
All monetary donations to HWT will be surrendered to the HWT Treasurer for deposit.
Section 4.
No part of the net earnings of the HWT shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that HWT shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes described in section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code.
Article 6. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of HWT shall be July 1st through June 30th.
Article 7. Books and Records
HWT will keep correct and complete books and records of accounts and will also keep minutes of the meetings of its board of directors and members.
Article 8. Amendments
These bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed and new bylaws may be adopted by a majority vote of the board of directors at any regular or special meeting of the board. These changes will be in effect until the next annual meeting, at which time they must be ratified by a majority vote of the members present at the time of voting, to remain in effect.
Article 9. Dissolution
Only by a majority vote of all the board members can dissolution of HWT be carried out. Upon dissolution of HWT, any assets remaining after payment of all debts shall be distributed to one or more organizations that are engaged in activities that will further the purpose of HWT as stated by the HWT mission statement, and have been determined to be exempt from the payment of income taxes under section 501(c)(3) of the federal code as voted by the majority of the board members at the time of dissolution. None of the net assets, or monies from sale of assets, shall benefit or be paid to any director, officer, member, or donor of HWT.